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Tree Films was built to service an up and coming film company. A dynamic landing page captures the experience of a gothic theatre, and media content is served by a php content management system.

A minimalistic background serves to bring out the vividness of the media, and dynamic font rendering software enables the stylistic grunge font to be served on user generated pages.

A php enabled content management system allows the client easy accessibility to upload new videos. A social networking widget makes it easy for visitors to share clips they like with friends.

Terminal is a serial web novel served through Wordpress. This custom template was created to enhance navigation while still maximizing the power of Wordpress CMS.

This custom template is fully integrated with social networking software to help expand reach and allow users to share content with friends across numerous social networking platforms.

Custom navigation allows users to follow from one scene to the next with ease, and leave comments as they go.

Henwood and Company commissioned this commercial real estate website. A flash banner animates a slideshow of photos, shapes, and cities Henwood and Co. serve.

Viewable properties are synced with Loopnet, a popular solution for commercial real–estate agents.

Another view of a secondary information page.

Simple Syndication is a pet project of mine. Still in beta stages, this website allows you to easily syndicate content to virtually any number of social networking platforms with a click of a button.

Fill out a smart form for your content, select the services you wish to syndicate to, and click go. It’s that simple.

Create multiple profiles within a single account to manage your syndications.

True Roadside Assist is an emergency roadside service similar to AAA. This landing page features a Javascript slide show and focuses on delivering an easy to navigate overview of the program functions.

Standard content page, features adverts that bring attention to additional program features.

Integrated with a third party provider that offers savings searchable by zip code to program members.

This website is a pro–bono work in progress for a local coffee house. An integrated twitter feed functions to keep a user up to date on current Natura events.

Integrated with google maps to provide reliable, easy to use driving instructions to potential patrons.

Contact Natura through available contact information or use the quick contact form.

One of a series of ads designed to serve on sites such as Craigslist.

One of a series of ads designed to serve on sites such as Craigslist.

Full color print resolution booklet created to serve as an informational packet to potential customers.

Page 2 features an overview of the program.

A simple benefits overview.

All designs for print I create can be delivered in almost any format you would require.

A mini flyer designed to have a plastic prescription card affixed.

Cover design for a mini informational booklet.

Design for a 6 fold brochure with detachable application form.

A view of the front and back covers.

Full color print flyer for the True Roadside Assist product.

One in a series of online ads designed for sites such as Craigslist.


One in a series of online ads designed for sites such as Craigslist.


Page designed as a landing site for traffic received from a sponsor site.


In the final stages of development, CompanySentry will help employers and HR managers protect their business and employees by monitoring employees for criminal activities and injurious activities on online social media.


Drupal site built for the University of Central Florida’s Executive Development Center. This design focuses on guiding prospective students through the signup process and easy navigation of EDC information.




KnowYourCircle is a mashup people-search/social media aggregator that allows you to follow anyone, anywhere.


This how it works section showcases the easy to use interface of KnowYourCircle.


To get started, simply type in the name, email, or username of the person you want to follow.


KnowYourCircle returns results from offline public records and social media networks. Powerful search filters help you drill down to easily find who you are looking for.
